
  • Welcome
  • Course Outline Review
  • Context
  • Security Introduction
  • Forensics Introduction
  • Case Study – Casey Anthony
  • Paper Assessment Requirements


Security & Forensics

首先讲了,security和digital forensics两者的相关性,其实各自分别是一个领域,但是中间有交叉的部分。

Security come first, forensics comes after a successful attack

The pupose of security is let the 'good guy' in and keep the 'bad guy' out.

Security is an term and includes:

  • Authentication
  • Authorisation
  • Confidentiality
  • Interity
  • Availability
  • Non-repudiation

System generally incorporate most of these, but not always all of them

Security Triangle

We could not buy a $1000 safe to protect a $100 not, it is all about worthy.

What we should do?

  • Establish the context
  • Identify what the risks are
  • How?
  • Analyse the risk
  • How do we know what to analyse?
  • Evalute the risk
  • How do we know the system?

Prepare or Spend or Ignore

Some threat modellling

Mirrosoft STRIDE methodology
PASTA (The Procss for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis)

The McCumber Cube

The third dimension of the cybersecurity sorcery cube.
Only focus the countermeasures:

  • Tehnologies
  • Policies and Practices
  • People

While Policy are not always functional. Also, it is controdictied to the convenient.

Risk Treatment

  • Accesptance
  • Mitigation
  • Elimination
  • Transference

It is impossible to build 100% security host.

Security Standards and Policy

  • NIST
  • ISO (Implementation of ISO 7498-2:1989 — Information processing systems — Open systems Interconnection — Basic reference model — Part 2: Security architecture)
  • US National Research Council State

Network Forensics

The definition of components of Computer can be found in Crimes Amendment Act 2003 Section 249-252.


Live Forensics: something is happening NOW, so do something: Monitor or Trace or Stop.

What we can use for network forensics?

  • Log files
  • Computers
  • Servers
  • Switches – perhaps
  • Firewall
  • What if we utilise Cloud services
  • May I seize your Cloud Server please?
  • *%$@#%
  • What about personal network devices (BYOD!)
  • May I take your mobile phone for investigation/copying?
  • *%$@#%


Academic Argument
Case Study Rreport


The aim of this labotary exercise is to undertake a forensic examination of browser histories to become familiar with the history location, format, privacy mode in some browsers and the software that can be utilised to discover and display browser history.

Lab Software


It is not free and trial version cannot be running on the virtual machine.

Lab exerciese in Firefox v 2.0

  • Install an older version of firefox which was used in 2008 when Caylee Anthony case was examined.
  • Turn the hided file and folders setting off in File Explorer Options - Viewe - Show hidden files, folders, and drives.
  • Locate to the default firefox web data stored folder, C drive - Users - Chao - AppData - Roaming - Mozilla - Firefox - Profiles - XXX.default - history.dat

Here is default data

// <!-- <mdb:mork:z v="1.4"/> -->
< <(a=c)> // (f=iso-8859-1)

    =G$00e$00t$00 $00F$00i$00r$00e$00f$00o$00x$00 $00f$00o$00r$00 $00d$00e$00s\
$00k$00t$00o$00p$00 $00$14  $00M$00o$00z$00i$00l$00l$00a$00 $00($00U$00S$00\)$00)>
{1:^80 {(k^81:c)(s=9)[1(^8C=LE)]} 

  • Then do some search in the browser: How to make chloroform, foolproof suffocation, (three times).
  • Now, the history.dat is updated to below:
// <!-- <mdb:mork:z v="1.4"/> -->
< <(a=c)> // (f=iso-8859-1)

    =G$00e$00t$00 $00F$00i$00r$00e$00f$00o$00x$00 $00f$00o$00r$00 $00d$00e$00s\
$00k$00t$00o$00p$00 $00$14  $00M$00o$00z$00i$00l$00l$00a$00 $00($00U$00S$00\)$00)>
{1:^80 {(k^81:c)(s=9)[1(^8C=LE)]} 



    =h$00o$00w$00 $00t$00o$00 $00m$00a$00k$00e$00 $00c$00h$00l$00o$00r$00o$00f\
$00o$00r$00m$00 $00-$00 $00G$00o$00o$00g$00l$00e$00 $00S$00e$00a$00r$00c$00h$00)>
{1:^80 {(k^81:c)(s=9)1 } [-7(^82^8C)(^84^8D)(^85^8D)(^88^8E)(^87^8F)]}


    =f$00o$00o$00l$00p$00r$00o$00o$00f$00 $00s$00u$00f$00f$00o$00c$00a$00t$00i\
$00o$00n$00 $00-$00 $00G$00o$00o$00g$00l$00e$00 $00S$00e$00a$00r$00c$00h$00)
    =m$00y$00s$00p$00a$00c$00e$00.$00c$00o$00m$00 $00-$00 $00G$00o$00o$00g$00l\
$00e$00 $00S$00e$00a$00r$00c$00h$00)(98=3)>
{-1:^80 {(k^81:c)(s=9)1 } 2 3 4 5 6 7 [-8(^82^90)(^84^91)(^85^91)(^88^8E)
  • We can find some information here, but it is not easy to read. Let us use Netanalysis. We can see very detailed information includes Local time, UTC time, search times, etc.

  • If I manually changed some data in history,dat, NetAnalysis will get the changed data as well instead of the original data. Also, if we clear the cache in Tools - Clear Private Dta - Clear Private Data Now. The data will not exist any more in either or Netanalysis.
// <!-- <mdb:mork:z v="1.4"/> -->
< <(a=c)> // (f=iso-8859-1)

{1:^80 {(k^81:c)(s=9)[1(^8C=LE)]} }



Lab exerciese in Firefox (latest version)

  • Install the latest version of firefox.
  • Locate to the default firefox web data stored folder, C drive - Users - Chao - AppData - Roaming - Mozilla - Firefox - Profiles - XXX.default. For the new firefox, the history data will be stored in a variety of files that is difficult to read. So, we still use NetAnalysis to read. Here we can see lots of information includes cookie, tab history, etc.

  • Now, let's search something: How to make chloroform, foolproof suffocation, (three times).
  • Now, the history.dat is updated to below:

  • Another path: If we type about:cache in the search bar, we also can get some information here.

  • In the middle entry ‘disk’, there is
    some information about what has been stored on the hard drive disk. Under ‘Storage disk location’
    there is the pathway C:\Users\Lecturer\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\a69e1ba4.default-release\cache2

We can also do some testing in IE, Chrome, etc.

Thre are also 10 questions we need to do.


一个三天打鱼两天晒网的博主 拖延症严重患者 干啥啥不行,学啥啥不会