
Petri Nets

先是去https://apo.adrian-jagusch.de/ 做几个练习,

Task 1: Season transition system
1.1 Use Petri nets to model the transition of seasons from spring to summer to autumn to winter, and then back to spring.

1.2 Modify your system to accommodate both hemispheres: that is, North hemisphere and South hemisphere change seasons concurrently and synchronously. When North is Spring, South should be Autumn, etc.

Task 2: Deadlock on a single lane bridge
You might have seen the following traffic sign before enterting a single lane bridge. This means the vehichle on the other side has the priority in case two viechicles arrive at the opposites of the bridge at the same time.

Otherwise we will meet the following deadlock situation:
Use Petri nets to model the system and give the Marking that represents the deadlock situation.

Task 3: Synchronised traffic lights
Use Microsoft Edge (as we need to run .swf files) to visit http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets/introductions/aalst/
Study the “Two Traffic Lights” example to see how the two tranffic lights are controlled so that they never turn green at the same time.
First please model this example in APO, then modify the example so that the two traffic lights turns green


Task 4: From Petri nets to BPMN
Translate the following Petri nets into BPMN

Task 5: Pizza Restraunt Business Scenario
Use BPMN to model the following business scenario in a Pizza restraunt:
In a Pizza Restraurant we have customer, waiter, and chef. The business process starts when a customer enters the restraurant; then the customoer place the order to the waiter; then customer waits while waiter passes the order to the chef to prepare the pizza; after the pizza is prepared, chef will ask waiter to bring the pizza to customer. For every 10 minutes, if the pizza is not ready, customer asks the waiter until pizza is received, and then customer eat the pizza and finish the process.

Challenge Task
Translate Task 5 BPMN into Petri nets and model and simulate it using APO. How about there are two customers in the Pizza restraurant? Use APO to simulate the situation.


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