
首先讲了cyber security的由来,最早其实是信息安全,但是后面随着科技的进步,网络和IT设备的普及,出现了一些恶意软件,然后继续发展到现在的情况,越来越多和越复杂,比如敲诈勒索软件,病毒等等。

相比较而言,cybersecurity比forensics更加容易得到关注和学习,因为金钱,资源等等关系,这很容易理解,招聘市场上很少有专门的forensics investgator招聘。但是呢,有forensics技能的cybersecurity技术人员更加受到青睐,首先forensics从业人员可以写一些商业的相关报告,这里老师举了一个例子说,有公司请forensics investgator来调查他们给员工配发的手机,来看看员工干了啥坏事。一份差一点的简单的报告价值两三千,但是好的就价值上万。此外呢,forensics investgator写的报告有助于帮助提高cybersecurity,以应对未来的攻击。








那么问题来了,由于这个机制是只要连上电源就会触发,因此就导致了同样一个固态硬盘隔了一段时间后,哈希值不一样。而被强制写0的数据会永远找不到。而且这个过程和电脑没啥关系,你中间加个write blocker也白搭。




这里又一个挑战,通常来说删除掉的信息都是有用的,比如浏览器的缓存,RAM,路由表等等,这里hibernation file 休眠文件,通常是说笔记本电脑不关机但是合上盖子的情况,RAM里的数据会停留在合上盖子之前,然后这一块数据保存在硬盘里,因此可以读取这个数据。但是这个数据肯定会覆盖硬盘上的某一个区域,因此也可能对硬盘数据造成覆盖。这听上去也很有意思。


实验课部分先讲了一个小技巧,利用wild card也就是适配字符来减少操作。

The Daubert Principles are:
A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or
education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if:
(a) the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialised knowledge will help the trier of fact
to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue;
(b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data;
(c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
(d) the expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the facts of the case.
There have been a number of interpretations of these principles and you will sometimes see 4
or 5 rules and often quite different wording. These principles have been used by other countries
as a guide so are generally accepted in New Zealand. Note that an expert can give an opinion
if the opinion is within their area of expertise. Normally, a witness can not give an opinion
because they are not qualified to do so.
As an expert, you are expected to comply with the rules of the court regarding your conduct
when appearing in court. There is a selection of legislation and rules that you must be familiar
Code of Conduct for expert witnesses
Duty to the Court
1. An expert witness has an overriding duty to assist the Court impartially on relevant matters
within the expert’s area of expertise.
2. An expert witness is not an advocate for the party who engages the witness.
Section 1 and 2 of the Code of Conduct tells us 2 important points. Firstly, the expert’s duty is
to the court, not to either party in the court, and secondly the expert must give objective
evidence and not ‘take a side’. The Code of Conduct continues with sections 3-5 below.
Evidence of expert witness
3. In any evidence given by an expert witness, the expert witness must
(a) acknowledge that the expert witness has read this Code of Conduct and agrees to comply
with it:
(b) state the expert witness’ qualifications as an expert:
(c) state the issues the evidence of the expert witness addresses and that the evidence is within
the expert’s area of expertise:
(d) state the facts and assumptions on which the opinions of the expert witness are based:
(e) state the reasons for the opinions given by the expert witness:
(f) specify any literature or other material used or relied on in support of the opinions expressed
by the expert witness:
(g) describe any examinations, tests, or other investigations on which the expert witness has
relied and identify, and give details of the qualifications of, any person who carried them
4. If an expert witness believes that his or her evidence or any part of it may be incomplete
or inaccurate without some qualification, that qualification must be stated in his or her
5. If an expert witness believes that his or her opinion is not a concluded opinion because of
insufficient research or data or for any other reason, this must be stated in his or her
Sections 3 -5 of the Code of Conduct tells us that as an expert, we must be entirely honest about
any limitations of the evidence we give and that we must acknowledge these limitations. We
can not simple ‘hope’ we are not asked, but rather we have a duty to the court to tell them about
any limitations or qualifications in the evidence. (Here, qualifications or qualified evidence,
refers to any conditions or limits in the evidence).
Sections 6 and 7 are designed to give the judge an opportunity to break a ‘deadlock’ where 2
experts disagree over the same evidence.
You will see that the court has several options, including 6(b) where the 2 expert witnesses
may simply discuss the evidence amongst themselves and see if they can agree on the evidence
from an expert’s viewpoint. In reality, these options are rarely exercised.
Duty to confer
6. An expert witness must comply with any direction of the Court to
(a) confer with another expert witness:
(b) try to reach agreement with the other expert witness on matters within the field of expertise
of the expert witnesses:
(c) prepare and sign a joint witness statement stating the matters on which the expert witnesses
agree and the matters on which they do not agree, including the reasons for their
7. In conferring with another expert witness, the expert witness must exercise independent
and professional judgment and must not act on the instructions or directions of any person to
withhold or avoid agreement.
Now that you have a basic understanding of court procedure in a criminal case and the duties
and expectations of an expert witness, you should be able to see the importance of building a
very professional, accurate and detailed court file. This file not only presents your evidence,
but represents your expert ability as a forensic investigator. You must ensure it is complete,
accurate and professionally presented.
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